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Simply Picked: Farm Life, Family and Sharing Some of Our Favorites!


Updated: Apr 30, 2024

Welcome. For better or worse, you found us...

October 26, 2023

Spokane, WA

Hey All, My name is Molly. I am a Mom to 4...wife to one? Ha. That's not a question, but that's the first thing that came to mind and I realize it sounds ridiculous. At least I really really hope it sounds ridiculous. Leaving it there as that's sort of what you'll get. A real human who sometimes has somewhat insane thoughts while finding life particularly entertaining. My husband works in the construction industry. I am... in limbo. My background is in Speech-Language Pathology and I do PRN work on occasion. Five years ago, I read a book on flower farming and was hooked. So what did I do with it? The completely normal thing and started a farm on 1/8 of an acre with a primary avenue for sales being through seasonal flower subscriptions. Be careful what books you read people! Spring/Summer months are a solid family effort to get annuals planted, harvest, weed and sort of stay afloat. During the other months, I am your typical Mom. Most afternoons are spent running between kid activities, coordinating car pools, trying to throw together an "ok" dinner, maintaining a clean home (I LOVE a clean home. Mine...not necessarily yours), and doing life the best we can. I believe in the trilogy of coffee, water, and wine. Though my husband knows if anyone ever says, "Push fluids" to just give me an IV. all honestly that leaves coffee and wine. My hope with this blog is to create a space where I can share stories, knowledge pertaining to flowers and any other content pertaining to farm life, family, good and bad clothing selections, and life with kids.

Picture: Market style bouquet ready for the 2023 Liberty Lake Fall Festival

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